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The Digital Agriculture and Advanced Analytics Symposium (DA3) has emerged as the meeting point for actors from the academic and industry community advancing agricultural technology. Students and senior scientists from Industry and Academia meet to present their research and build an interdisciplinary network for future collaborations.



Digital Agriculture and Advanced Analytics will be the major disruptive disciplines for reducing environmental impact and adding social value in agriculture. In this sense, we envision DA3 as a major event expanding these efforts at the regional level. Students, renowned scientists and faculty with extensive experience will interact and grow a network to advance transdisciplinary research in Digital Agriculture.

Corteva Symposia Series

The Corteva Symposia Series is a global network of student-organized and driven scientific symposia, hosted by leading academic and research institutions. Through the Symposia Series, Corteva Agriscience works directly with students at universities around the world to stimulate discussions about the future of agriculture. Our objective is to arm future scientists with key organizational and management skills and expose them to a diversity of career opportunities in agriculture.

When & Where? 

Registration is only required for in-person attendants

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